Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Big Exciting Changes!

 So over the next couple of months I will be making some big changes to my business...I will be closing my shop here at our home in St George.
I have acquired a much larger space in the Waterford Antique Market and will be moving my entire shop into this space. I am thrilled! The timing could not be better! I will then turn my shop space into my work studio! I am so excited! I cannot wait to have all my creative supplies in one area.
My Etsy shop has been going strong and I really want to continue creating wonderful items and grow my site. I have outgrown the space in our home, and have not seen the top of my dining room table in years! We have some wonderful plans for the studio. Including some slip covered furniture, a large sewing table, computer area...( think "Where Woman Create")
insert dream Pinterest picture! the meantime we will beginning to move into our new space at the market at the end of the month. I will now have more time to search for fabulous finds and create more handmades! I could not be happier! It is funny how things have their way of working out! I will miss puttering out in my shop that is for sure.  It has been a part of my life for the past 26yrs in one form or another!...I hope all my wonderful customers that have visited over the years will continue to support my move to the market. I will continue to offer antiques and handmades in that simple primitive farmhouse style we all love!


  1. How exciting! I love your shop on Etsy. How wonderful that you get to create & work with things you love!

  2. Oh wow...that's awesome news Christine. So happy for you..
    Waterford isn't too far for me lol!!

  3. How wonderful! Beautiful photos.
